Tuesday 3 February 2009

Today was a very sexy day.

A very sexy one indeed.
Not, like, sexy...
wait let me change it,
Today was a very marvellous day.
No, not even.
It was just good.
It was very good.
On the high end of good.
But yeah, it was a very sexy day.
Some of the sexy was weird and uncomfortable, but otherwise it was good.
I had a conversation with that guy.
You know who I'm talkin' about.
The one I talked about a while ago.
I... it sounds lame, but I could not stop smiling afterwords.
It was good.
But yeah, a real- though three sentence- conversation.
It's a start...
And then the other guy, from my dream a while back, he got pretty close to me.
In real life even.
Not in a dream.
I'm lame.
But it was good for me.
Still though...
In the middle of the day I just kind of deflated.
I got pretty depressed.
Not about anything, but you know that feeling.
'Twas just sad.
But I'm pretty good right now.
I can't wait until Cj calls me and I can tell her about my day.
She makes me happy.

Ha ha...
I want to have kinky sex in a shower somewhere.
That will be a goal of mine.
I will have to write that down with the others.
I'm going post my goals on here someday.
I think they are pretty good.
I would love someone else's opinion when I do.
(Large wink)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the kinky sex in the shower thing!!
Did you think of that because of my random story?
If so, I feel so special now! xD
-You Know Who (well you better know, because if you didn't, I'd be sad)