Monday, 3 May 2010

The Power of Language-- a short.

Here is a quick opinion of mine:

So, It's another month farther into the year. It is... May now?
Yes. And what I'm about to share, is something I've been known to preach if you've known me for a while.
About three or four years ago I've discovered something that I think is one of the worst things that Americans have done to the English Language. Americans are known quite well for throwing certain words into their speech as if they were an endless supply of rainbow sprinkles. You know, all the "naughty words." Yes, the wonderful list of Words Not to Be Uttered. Now, I am going to mention just one of the Sacred Seven...

Anyone who has gone into seventh grade can assure you that starting the first day, everyone thinks they are entitled to use the Word "Fuck" as if it were a conjunction, which it is most certainly not. And throughout the past four decades or so, the word Fuck has become more and more apart of our everyday life. People are so immune to the word, that nobody takes it seriously anymore. What the fuck? That is the naughty word. Well, rather is was.

Looking back, and at all the naughty words in use, it used to be at the top, and for good reasons. The word Fuck conveys (or is supposed to) the most explicit sexual acts, and it used to have the potential to get across so much emotion and it had such power behind it. When someone said it, you knew some nasty shit was going down. But Americans have demolished this once great being into almost nothing. It has become as useless as the word The. It seems like it's in at least every other sentence sputtered out into the air. We have brought it down, and crushed it into nothing. We have bastardise it into  a sorry pile of profanity that is getting closer and closer to becoming uncensored on the telly. We are still ways from that, but a big step closer than it used to be. Can you imagine such a day when they lift their fingers from the big red button when the F-Bomb is in sight? I can. We have let Bitch and Ass and Shit, and even Cock in some cases, pass through most gates. It won't be long, I'll tell you that now.

It's just the saddest thing to me. America took down a once beautiful colossus.
I am going to try to bring it back.
Please use Fuck sparingly.

Confused? Take a read through this:

(1) You've tripped up the stairs at work, and successfully sprayed coffee onto everyone in front of you.
DO NOT use Fuck here. Instead use a more suitable substitute, such as Shit!

(2) You are walking down the street, and unbeknownst to you, a car is about to go through the crosswalk the same time you do.
DO use fuck here. You've been hit by car. That's an appropriate situation.

(3) You come home to find your cat has torn up all the furniture, peed on the remains of it, and helped itself to whatever was left out in the kitchen.
DO use Fuck here. This is a ridiculous situation. You should probably get rid of the cat too. It's an asshole.

(4) You're out of Yoo-Hoo.
It depends on how much you like Yoo-Hoo.

 Hm, so yes. A short. By me.

Inspired by:
You can't not love Mark Frauenfelder.
Clever bastard.

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