"We're not gonna make it!"
"Keep running, Chris! We're going to make it!"
"No, no we're not! We're going to fall!"
"Shut up, Chris! Just jump, just do it!" Chris' long legs ran with nervous ferocity, one after the other making hard, distinctive steps in the barren ground under them. His chest heaved, with fatigue from running, and with fear. He pushed as hard as he could, and closed his eyes as they neared the edge. Chris could feel her grip on his neck get tighter, and her legs push into his sides. She was jolted upwards as all four of Chris' feet left the ground before they met the cliff's edge. They had both closed their eyes tight by now, but only Chris' moaning howl could be heard as it echoed off the flat surface far beneath them. After a few moments, her eyes found themselves open, and wandering towards what was below her; when they were met with empty space her arms quickly wrapped around the base of Chris' long thick neck, where her hands met on the other side and grasped each other hard, fearing the long fall down. She sprung her head back up, focusing intensely on what was in front of them. "See! See, Chris?" Her voice screamed over the roaring wind rushing past their faces. She laughed. Her arms flew up to touch the free air all around them, and succumbed to the wind pushing back her hair, and enjoyed it. "Open your eyes!" He did, and when he looked down his were not met with a gaping trench, but with grass. And wildflowers. And weeds. And a fence. And a flock sheep. She leaned her hand over the side of him to feel the fresh wool brush past her bare palm, and it felt like a sea of velvet and down. She felt like she was in a dream, floating on the all the sensations her body was experiencing at that moment. Chris, on the other hand, was befuddled at the fact that they hadn't touched ground yet.
"How did you know I could hover?" He yelled back at her.
"Because everything can!" He looked back behind them and saw the flock of sheep that was once below them now slowly drifting up, in a lumbering, gawky fashion towards them. Only few were upright while most were on their sides or turned completely over, underbellies facing the sun's warm tickle.
"W-ahh!" Chris belched as one of the sheep brushed against his hooves, sending him flipping sideways, and her flying off his back. "Ahh! I'm sorry, where did you go!"
"Over here, Chris!" She had landed on one of the sheep that was drifting near them. Though the sheep was upside-down, she was unscathed and hitching a ride from the friendly ewe.
"Yes, thanks for asking." She replied with a friendly smile. "Say, do you know where the next town is?"
"Bah. Bahhh Baaaah."
"Could you take us there?"
"Baah." The sheep flew out in front of Chris, and slowly drifted off the right, motioning with it's tail for him to follow. After a few minutes of hovering, the wooly tangle under her seemed to be increasing in size. Her legs could no longer dangle over the sides, but now had enough room to lay out in front of her. In fact, she had enough room to lay down, which she did.
"Baaaah?" The sheep asked in a now deep, baritone rumble.
"Yes, it's perfect."
The sun glimmered orange against the white flock, and off her hair as they flew parallel to the horizon.
"Do you know where we're going?"
"Hopefully somewhere that is serving breakfast when we get there."
Chris huffed under his breath. He never liked spontaneous trips, and was still irked that he hadn't touched ground yet. He was still confused as to how he left the ground, and the knowledge to reach it again still hadn't found him. He looked over, and she was settling into the white cushion, slowly falling victim to sleep, just as the sheep was dozing off too. He feared that if he too shut his eyes for the night, that he might not wake up in an agreeable setting. But as the sun could no longer be seen at the edge of the horizon, Chris found himself extremely exhausted, and became more comfortable with the idea of letting the wind push him to where ever they were headed.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Somewhere down South
These are two small little exercises that I've decided go together. They were written about two months apart, and I feel a story coming out of them. I'm working on some character development and stuff in the meantime, and a plot and all that good stuff... Also praying it develops into something amazing.
As the summer wore on, I spent more and more time studying science and less time practicing the piano. The dandelions outside my bedroom window wore from a flaxen bed to one of dreamy cotton. Often, I was tempted to jump out of the window into them when I couldn’t fall asleep. I thought about how soft the dandelion fluff would feel on my skin, and how the hollow steams would bounce upon my body’s arrival, and how gravity would react against my weight, and how the pollen would soar on the wind, and eventually settle where the breeze placed it, fertilizing other dandelions, continuing the lives of many more dandelions to come.
My morning routine started with running the water through the old brass pipes in my dwelling to shower, and starting a pot of water to boil for coffee; putting one piece of wheat toast in the toaster, and getting a plate and the orange marmalade ready in the anticipation of the timer. I put the clothes on that I laid out the night before, and find a pair of shoes to make the outfit complete, usually my canvas red pumps that had belonged to my grandmother, oddly enough still in near new condition, even after the beating that her and my mother gave them.
Before I do all this, I lay in bed for a while, reflecting, visualizing. Remembering how much I love the white paint chipping on all the door frames in the house, revealing dark wood; how the brass feet on my tub shine in the morning when the sun is coming in through the window, and how each individual stair creaks and groans when I put my weight down on them.
That day in church in the middle of sermon, I saw his face peeking up from the one of the windows by the confession boxes. I told my mama that I was feeling dizzy and needed to step out for fresh air, and before I was all the way out the door he grabbed me by my right arm and we flew behind god's house, where my prayers came true: he kissed me right then and there like no other boy beforehand, well, like billy had, but it was still the kind of kiss that really did make me dizzy, and my lips felt loose and buzzed with the flutters of my heart. His hand was on the middle of my back, dragging his fingers up to my shoulder blades and down to the top if my butt. I had never been more out if my mind than I was now, and before I knew it his hand had come round to the side of my leg, and it slowly made it's way up my dress.