Friday, 30 January 2009

I hadn't expected such an upbeat day.

Today was fast and exciting.
Like a... fast and exciting... trip of some kind.
It was good.
And I got a comment!!!
I was ecstatic when I saw that!
People are looking at my words!
That makes me feel nice.
Maybe I won't sound so depressing anymore.
I mean, I'm sure I will in the future, but for now, it's all good.
I'm pretty good right now.


Wednesday, 28 January 2009

'Twas a slow day Mr. Green...

Like, nothing has happened in forever.
It's been a slow January.
Today wasn't all that bad.
In the middle of my day, I got so depressed.
I wanted to lay down on the floor, but there were people around so I couldn't.
That guy, Is so fantastic.
I wish I wasn't such a freak.
I can't talk to anybody.
And the people I can talk to, talk to each other through me.
That is so annoying.
The people who live in this town shouldn't be able to raise kids.
Everybody is such an idiot.
I need to run away from here, but I'm not financially... fuck, I can't even remember what I was going to say.
But I don't have enough money, and I have yet to find a travel companion.
And I don't even know what I would do with my cat.
I would take him with, but that seems like it would be a struggle.
Maybe if I had a travel companion, it would be easier.
I'm going to go make a sandwich soon.
I want one.
There are all these things that I need to know, but by the time I'm in a position to find information about them, I forget what I was doing in the first place.
I need to drink TaB.
I have lived my life without doing so, and I think that it's time to do that.
That's not a word.
But anyway...
When I'm e-mailing with people and I use a word or a cultural reference that they don't know, they don't even bother to look it up.
I mean, you have a COMPUTER in front of you.
Look it up!
It's not like you are going to reply right away anyway.
Take a minute to NOT look like a lazy idiot, and go look it up!
Learn something new.
I mean really.
It happens ALL the time.
I hate kids also.
I'm not saying that they are bad, but I' am so annoyed by other people's kids.
They are so loud, all the time.
It's ridiculous.
I wish it would go away.
I wish everything I don't like would go away.
I have been looking for a grey shirt, just something casual to wear with jeans, but they don't make any, and I don't have instructions or access to a sewing machine, so I can't do anything about it.
It's sew annoying.
Ha ha ha...
I love puns.
Also I love pantomimes.
Like the street performing ones.
It is so neat.
I wish people could appreciate them.
But they don't.
I have a lot more to complain about, but also a lot more to do.

Happy Birthday Jackson Pollock!
You made me love abstract art.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Today was a busy day...

Well, not really.
It was actually rather boring.
I watched some movies, loitered, and played my clarinet.
Also, I walked right into a love triangle.
Yeah, tell me about it.
It consists of me, and Best friend, and this guy.
Is this cliché or what?
I'm totally serious about it too.
I always thought this situation would be an easy one, but boy was I wrong.
More on this story as it develops.
Which won't be until at least Wednesday because I have Monday and Tuesday off.

Here is an interesting picture that I think describes my situation perfectly.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Forgot again!

Did you hear what PETA is doing?
They are calling fish "Sea kittens".
I think that is a very cleaver thing.
They are doing that to try to make saving fish more appealing.
Great idea PETA!
I think that is really cleaver.
It gives them a lot to work with.
If you haven't seen, I put a banner at the top. UP^
I would buy a shirt from them if I had some money to spend for internet clothes.
But I don't.
I spent it all on SoyJoy bars.

Tales from the internet...

Today I was looking for things on the internet.
While I was doing so, I mistook the URL bar for the google search bar, and the internet took me to a site, get this... called the digital giraffe. And my first thought was "neat-o! Digital... giraffes." But it's actually a site with pictures of digital sculptures. This disappointed me. I was expecting much more. One funny thing, was that her e-mail address is That is pretty neat. But it's stupid because nowhere did I see any sign of giraffes. Very frustrating. Hey, this is a good song. Sorry, change of topic... anyway, I'm listing to one of my stations on, (if you are a music lover and don't have an account on there I highly recommend it), and this song came up, called "Aquarius (Version 3) by Boarders of Canada. You should look it up. Because I like it. And I have pretty good tastes in music.  Speaking of music, nearly all day I had a David Bowie song stuck in my head. Has that ever happened to you? I'm sure it has. It happens to everyone. I enjoy David Bowie.
Last night, I think I had that same dream that I had explained to you earlier. Actually, I think I thought about it so much today, I can't remember my dream form last night and replace the missing memory with a familiar one.
That sounds much more probable. New song! Calvin Harris too. Very nice! Electro Man.
This is good so far. Very good.
I approve of it.
Because Calvin Harris is a very hit or miss kinda guy.
But this is good.
You know who is danceable?
Apple has used their album art for the new Nano commercials.
Which is good.
Gives them a boost.
See you later.

Monday, 12 January 2009

It is late...

Today was a day of procrastinating.
It is late and I'm scrambling to finish things so I don't have to go to bed late.
But whilst I was procrastinating, I found the funniest comic.
I had a picture ready for today and everything, but this is just top drawer.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

This should be added too.

Okay, normally I'm against posting things twice in one day, but I think it would be a good idea to post my dreams on here, because they are mildly entertaining.
Okay, here is one I had a couple nights ago.

I was walking around inside this big building, okay? And all of the people who are in one of my business classes, were there, and we were walking around, and all of a sudden it got very dark and this fog started to roll in, which was weird because were were inside, and then this fountain full of green stuff and fog popped up in the middle of the room, and I ran into this guy I sit next too in my class in real life and I leaned in to hug him, but it was just his waist, and we just stood there for a while, and then he picked me up and we ran out into this canyon, and we were running from something and all of a sudden these boulders that were alive were chasing us and we ran into a cave, and Kyle was there, and we said 'hi' and then left and run up this cliff into this house were this women was entertaining a weird group of people, and she was talking about the renovations she had made to her house, and I was thinking that it was just a horrible thing to do with a house because there was all this wasted space and these stupid shelves that had no purpose, but then the guy picked me up again and we jumped out the window, and the boulders were chasing us again, and then we ran up another cliff to Ireland, and then we walked into a pub, and it was the same pub from the movie about the two guys that go to England and one gets killed and the other is a werewolf, you know that movie, which is a good movie, but I haven't seen it in a while, so it was weird that it was in my dream, but then we started to drink champagne, and there was so much of it, and then we ran away in to this field back into the library type building we were in in the beginning of my dream and then the dream started over again, and I woke up.

It was a good dream.

Maybe not...

Well, I've decided that I'm much too lazy to do anything good with my time, so I'm just going to do what I do.
This isn't going to be anything more than a diary of some sort, where I will spill all of the sexy crazy things that happen in my day to day life. Take for example what I did today.
I went to Barnes and Noble and got some really good books.
Then I got my hair cut, and went to Target.
What will I do next?

Here is another picture I quite enjoy.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Turn around.

I've decided that this could use a turn around.
Not that I'm talking to anybody, really... I doubt that anybody actually reads this, but I'm going to change things up a bit, starting with the whole "theme" of this.
A bit dreary for the kinda thing I'm thinking of.

Here is a picture.

Thursday, 1 January 2009


Did you think I left?
I didn't.
I'm right here.
Where I've always been.