Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Subject: Please stop watching me eat.

To: the group of attractive people who like to stand outside my kitchen window and watch me eat.
From: Me, who else would it be?

I know there is some group of people who like to come 'round my house when I eat dinner.
I've seen you do it.(You aren't very sneaky.)
I don't know why you do it, I don't know how long you've been doing it, but I would more than appreciate it if you would stop.
It is making me terribly self-conscious about my eating, and have been seriously considering that I stop.
Now, if I did that i would wither away into nothing, and if I did that... well I can't imagine I would feel very good about doing that to someone, and I'm sure you wouldn't either.

Cough Cough.

I'm very sick.
It makes me upset.
I'm coughing all over the place.
It's disgusting.
I should probably take something.
But why bother, it's all placebos anyway.
Waste of my money.

Monday, 8 September 2008


I forgot what I was going to say.
Maybe I'll tell you later if I remember.

I love tweed hats.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

That was a terrible idea.

I can't think of any reason why I would have started that other blog.
It's not even interesting.
I don't think I did it.
I think it was someone else.
Maybe it was Emma.
She is quite the bitch.
Always yelling.
I don't know why I talk to her.
Well, I might as well finish what she started.
I'm always doing that,
Picking up pieces.
Of things, of people.
It's quite a hassle.
I suppose someone has to do it.
I hate other people.