Sunday 29 November 2009

Bloggin' time!

Ugh, I have to pee bad...
I am so hyper tonight.
I did not get any of my energy out today. I was on the computer or sitting in front of the telly for the bulk of the day. I hardly ate. And I forgot to shower. Damn... I really wanted to do that. I can smell my feet. And my hair is all... bleh. I can't wait to shower in the morning. First thing I do.

What happened that was interesting... Hmm... I figured out how to loosen my new shoes that I got a few months ago. So I can wear them now. Yay.
And... That's it.
I just needed to be a girl for a few minutes and talk about my day, even though it was BLAND.
Like beige. Beige.
Wow, that's hard to read.
Oh, well.

Here. I don't want to be a bitch and not say where I found this.

My floor just vibrated!

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