Sunday 11 January 2009

This should be added too.

Okay, normally I'm against posting things twice in one day, but I think it would be a good idea to post my dreams on here, because they are mildly entertaining.
Okay, here is one I had a couple nights ago.

I was walking around inside this big building, okay? And all of the people who are in one of my business classes, were there, and we were walking around, and all of a sudden it got very dark and this fog started to roll in, which was weird because were were inside, and then this fountain full of green stuff and fog popped up in the middle of the room, and I ran into this guy I sit next too in my class in real life and I leaned in to hug him, but it was just his waist, and we just stood there for a while, and then he picked me up and we ran out into this canyon, and we were running from something and all of a sudden these boulders that were alive were chasing us and we ran into a cave, and Kyle was there, and we said 'hi' and then left and run up this cliff into this house were this women was entertaining a weird group of people, and she was talking about the renovations she had made to her house, and I was thinking that it was just a horrible thing to do with a house because there was all this wasted space and these stupid shelves that had no purpose, but then the guy picked me up again and we jumped out the window, and the boulders were chasing us again, and then we ran up another cliff to Ireland, and then we walked into a pub, and it was the same pub from the movie about the two guys that go to England and one gets killed and the other is a werewolf, you know that movie, which is a good movie, but I haven't seen it in a while, so it was weird that it was in my dream, but then we started to drink champagne, and there was so much of it, and then we ran away in to this field back into the library type building we were in in the beginning of my dream and then the dream started over again, and I woke up.

It was a good dream.

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