Sunday 3 January 2010

When there is nothing left to burn...

You must set yourself on fire.

So it's the last few hours of being trapped inside my house.
My tan fortress of solitude.
Which is good and bad. While I was stuck in here, I made up a list of eight cons about living alone.
Do you want to hear it?
Well, I'm going to tell you anyway.

1) There is nobody around incase you fall or are grabbed by a grab-me-gotcha from under the couch or something.
2) It takes forever to get the bed warm when you're trying to fall asleep. I swear I lay there freezing for half an hour before the sheets start to warm up from my body heat.
3-8) It's pretty lonely. Even with a cat.
    Speaking of lists, I've included that topic into one of resolutions for the new year. Which I've made into a nice little list for your convenience.

    1) Stop eating bad things. And use chopsticks more often.
    2) Get a job, damn it.
    3) Coming Soon!
    4) Don't get pregnant. Nobody wants that.
    5) Make lists about everything again. I used to and I loved it; I don't know why I stopped...
    6) Coming Soon!

    So yes.
    I think that seems pretty reasonable.
    I don't know what to think about the future.
    Except, what I know about it so far, I'm pretty unhappy with.
    So, I hope once we get past about... early May, it will get a hell of a lot better than what I more or less know how it's going to be up until then.
    Actually, I hope it's not at all what I expect, and it's a lot better.
    But whatever.

    Bleh... I want to go back in time.
    I like it there better because I already know what's going to happen and it's fun.
    None of this "responsibility" shit.

    Today I felt:
    This colour.

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