Thursday 7 January 2010

I don't know what to call it.

Okay, so I had this dream that was like, three parts over the course of three nights, so I'm going to put it all together in one big-ass sentence for you...

So, I was in English, just like any other day, and we were doing stuff and shit and stuff, and then it was time for me to go to band, so everybody left and instead of talking to my Wyatt and Breanna, and ignoring Brittany like we do, I just ran to the band room for some reason and we started doing this song that I like, so I was like "Yay!"but then somebody fell down a huge flight of stairs just outside, so we just sat there while adults went and looked at it, and I was talking to Cassie, Kyle, and Cheese like I usually do, and then Kyle asked me about playing this game with tornados and chestnuts and I didn't know what he was talking about, and then I turned to ask Cassie something, and when I turned back to Kyle, he kissed me and I didn't know what to do and I was freaking out and trying to tell him that he can't do that because I have my Wyatt and I don't like him anymore but he kept trying to touch me so I ran to go find Wyatt but when I walked out of the room it turned into this house I've never been to before, and it was like a house party and it was the cast of Sex and the City, and all of Wyatt's friends who I'm not at all familiar with, and they were all looking at me with these awful glares, and I was trying to look down and Noah grabbed me and was like "Hey! I found you! Wyatt's been waiting for you in his  'room'", and he used air quotes and everything, and he dragged me into the basement which turned out to be the attic, and Wyatt was swimming in this big pool, and I jumped in to get to him, and we were swimming around together, and the bottom of the pool was glass so we could see the people in the house, and we were watching and making fun of them because all of a sudden we could breathe and talk underwater, and then Wyatt turned into Noah and he was like "Wyatt asked me to go have fun with you because he is busy," (just like on Pulp Fiction!), and so we went out to a movie and we saw all of my old friends standing around in the lobby and they saw me and we were talking to them for a while and Wyatt was there all of a sudden and he kidnapped me from the cinema, and we were driving back to my hose and he was trying to explain to me how Noah was trying to take me back to England because I was famous there and all this weird stuff I've never heard before, and we were in this car that was like a moving room an wheels, and when we got to my house it was filled with water, so we had to swim to get everywhere, and also, it was my old house in my previous town so, not my big tan one, but my big blue one, anyway, we were swimming around and we got to my old bedroom and it was all the same, except there were all these people that were Wyatt's friends hiding in my closet and they were trying to get me so I jumped out of the window into this big garden that was like the pink flower-y level on the second Katamari, and I was rolling around in these flowers trying to stand up, and I just kept rolling in place, so I dove into them and I was back at school but nobody was there because it was on fire and they were all outside watching it burn, so I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could, but I got lost in this huge hall full of all these different staircases, and I chose a door instead, but it took me to a staircase that lead to an air duct, and crawled through and it took me to a ledge on the outside of the school, and I had to jump off into a crowd of people to not die, so I did, but I landed on some snow because they all ran out of the way when I wasn't looking in mid-air, and Wyatt came over to me but I didn't know because I was almost dead and then I woke up.

I don't know what it means.
Usually, I can figure these things out, but not this one.

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