Sunday 13 December 2009


Imagine this: You are walking down the centre of a parking lot; it is cold and windy outside, you're looking forward, not paying any mind to what's around you, when you spot a bright red piece of plastic in the snow. You pick it up, and low and behold, it's a flash drive! And it's beautiful... Who knows what kind of untold secrets this tiny crimson box withholds. To take it home and plug it in would be like opening up some sort of mysterious treasure chest you found in the trunk of some car.

*sigh* I'm tired.
Long story short, there were some videos of people trying (and failing) to ride on their bikes backwards, and jump over bikes on scooters. Then there was a bunch of music that didn't make sense (i.e. Smooth Jazz, a Soundtrack, and some weird Metal Alt.) Also some pictures of a sad-lookin' beach, some album art pictures, a couple of book reports?, and a "secret diary" entry that was the most boring thing I've ever read.

It was still neat though.

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